Friday, June 26, 2009

Obama Health Plan

I have two thoughts on the Obama health plan. They are:

1. If the plan is so good and we are to embrace it openly, why did congress put into the bill a provision that opts them out of the plan. In another words, they want us to be in the plan but they themselves don't what to be in the plan. Does this tell us something about the plan?

2. Why was another provision put in that allows union member not to be taxed on their employer contributions to their health plan but the rest of us will be taxed on the amount that our employer's contribute. Again, if this is such a good plan, why do they have these provisions? If Mr. Obama cares so much about the middle class, why is he adding another tax on us?

I agree that there needs to be something done about the health care situation but this bill is not the way to do it. Do we really want government run health care? What government agency is run efficiently? Why are people in countries like Canada, England and France warning us not to go down this road? We need to slow down and do it right. I don't buy the line "We know this is not the best, but we need to do something so we will pass this and tweak it later." Is this what we really want?

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